
So Alhamdulillah it is 2017! Dah lama tak mengada ngada nak blogging like old days! Ya Allah dulu balik sekolah je terus blogging, nak tidur pun blogging. Macam anytime free, blogging is a must. Tapi dulu femes tau, ada readers. But now time flies so fast, blog dah tak berapa hot macam dulu. Tapi it's okay sebab i'll take this chance just to post my life stories. Untuk masa depan baca huhu. Mana la tau ada anak anak nanti nak tengok mak dia masa muda. Baru diorang tau siapa kawan kawan, family, and so on. Huhu dah fikir ek.. baru 20!

 OK! Bila cakap "baru 20" ni rasa macam yaAllah cepatnya masa tu berlalu. Memang tak sangka sangat dah 20. Dah tak teens dah wey. Teenagers? Good-bye. Thanks for coming to my life. You bring me a lot of joy! Tapi 20 is like permulaan la kan untuk masuk ke Adult? Right? Bila tengok previous post, masa tu baru sem 1.Huhu, ni sekarang dah nak masuk semester 5! MashaAllah.. Tengok lah betapa pantas nya masa tu berlalu kan? Kejap je dah besar, kejap je tengok tengok aku habis belajar dah. InshaAllah aamiin! 

So, macam previous post jugak, sekarang tengah cuti sem, lagi 1 week aku nak masuk college balik and mulakan new semester. Semester 5 please be nice? (ayat cliche) haha, okay so emm memang banyak lah kalau nak cerita dari sem 1 sampai la sem 4. Banyak sangat sampai tak cukup kuota blog ni kang. Ceh, yeke? Ala cuma penat la type, kang seminggu pun tak habis cerita aku! But what is exactly happened is, macam biasa class, programmes, and exams, but! Aku rasa sem 1 je aku hidup macam student normal, yang balik kelas fikir assignment je. Yang lain, I am doing my persatuan works. At first, it is my pleasure to do it, because I am actually wanna take an experience on how to be in an organization, but what is happening now is....................

I am still in that organization.... AGAIN. It is actually 50-50 feelings. Tapi sekarang ni what can i do, i am in the half way, so I think I'm not gonna lepaskan macam tu. HELLO it is very tiring for me. I am a student. Maybe I am not like others, that willing 24/7 to do works.... i means, organization works. Hey, buat kerja tak berbayar tak best tau.. But I know, it is my obligation. So yeah I have to face it anyway~ no choice. 

So that's it, that is what I am feeling dari sem 2 till now. and now stilllll.. YaAllah berilah hambaMu ini kekuatan! It is a burden. But I know there's hikmah dalam semua ni. So... thats it maybe. Till im blogging next time! :)